
EmSculpt Tomorrow’s Wellness Center, the leader in non-surgical body contouring, is the first in South Jersey to offer EmSculpt®, the first FDA-cleared device to build and strengthen muscle. A 30min treatment is the equivalent of either 20,000 sit ups or 20,000 squats while laying down. EmSculpt® uses HIFEM® (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology to cause supramaximal…

Bio Identical Hormone Therapy

Bio Identical Hormone Therapy They are compounds produced in a lab to match the chemical structure of your own natural hormones. Bioidentical hormone therapy is often called “natural hormone therapy” because bio-identical hormones act in the body just like the hormones we produce. Testosterone, progesterone, and two forms of estrogen, estradiol, and estriol may be…


Tetra CO2 CoolPeel™ Fractional CO2 Laser for Skin Resurfacing Dr. Scott Hernberg, the leader in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation is excited to bring the latest technology to South Jersey for patients of all ages, who are seeking skin resurfacing without downtime or risks for adverse events. The Tetra CO2 laser is one of the most advanced…

ADVISORY: COVID-19 Vaccine and Facial Fillers Side Effects

According to the FDA, three people out over 15,184, (0.01976 %), who received the MODERNA vaccine had swelling in the dermal filler treatment area between one – two days following the last vaccine injection. The swelling resolved with oral steroids and anti-histamines. No serious or life-threatening events occurred. One individual had received a dermal filler…


Tetra CO2 CoolPeel

Tetra CO2 CoolPeel™ Fractional CO2 Laser for Skin Resurfacing Dr. Scott Hernberg, the leader in Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation is excited to bring the latest technology to South Jersey for patients of all ages, who are seeking skin resurfacing without downtime or risks for adverse events. The Tetra CO2 laser is one of the most advanced…